Picasso’s Pizzeria
Overcooked twice baked pizza

I like anchovies on pizza; I am okay with pineapple on pizza. That’s the kind of pizza person I am. Some people would never put either topping on pizza, but I say, let them eat pizza. I think pizza can polarize people, and people definitely have strong opinions about it. I know people that just love American brick oven pizza; I know people that only eat Neapolitan-style pizza. Whichever pizza you prefer with whichever toppings you prefer, Wichita most likely has an option for you.

Of the pizza offerings located in Wichita, I prefer Picasso’s when I want something quick, sit-down, or can feed a billion people. I have ordered their individual giant slices and I have also ordered their ginormous whole pizza.

For their individual giant slices, I believe that Picasso’s uses parbaked slices of their ginormous whole pizzas and individually dresses them with your toppings before finishing them in the oven. For their ginormous whole pizza, they require 30 minutes to 1 hour advance notice and bake them to order. I prefer the ginormous pizza over the individual giant slices; the parbaking required for the individual giant slices changes the crust texture, and depending on who finishes the baking on your pizza, it could come out reasonably done or incredibly burnt. Staff has told me that if I want a “softer” (not burnt) crust, to ask for it “under cooked”; I do not know if this was sarcastic or actual advice. This review will focus on the individual giant slices because most people will not order a ginormous pizza on a normal day.

Pizza Margherita with exactly 5 anchovy filets

Picasso’s markets their pizzas as New York-style pizzas, and I think I just expected a lot more based on that. Having had New York-style pizza in New York, I expected stretchy cheesy goodness on a chewy yet thin and structured crust that can be folded in half. I almost want to call Picasso’s pizza dry and soggy, if that’s possible. The end crust is dry and brittle almost like a cracker and the crust underneath the sauce and the toppings does not have enough structure to hold itself up. Almost nothing about this pizza says New York, aside from the size and thin crust.

Despite that, I will still eat this pizza, just probably not often. While I love a good deal, I feel like you get a small amount of pizza for what you pay, and especially if you like certain toppings on your pizza. A normal slice “of Art” goes for $7.50, but you add only one additional topping (say bell peppers), and you’re at $8.35 before tax. I would say it’s fairly filling for one sitting, but you would pay less for the same amount of “personal size pizza” at other establishments, and you certainly would pay less in New York for a slice of New York-style pizza.

In all in all, it’s pizza, I’ll eat it. I would say that you should try this for yourself and see how you like it. Pizza beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Picasso’s Pizzeria
621 W Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67213 
Monday-Thursday 11:00AM-9:00PM
Friday-Saturday 11:00AM-10:00PM
Sunday 11:00AM-8:00PM

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