Riversport OKC
So not in the ICT, but not too far either!

Over Labor Day weekend, I was invited to head out to Oklahoma City and experience Riversport OKC & their whitewater rapids course.  Unfortunately with all of the fun, I forgot to take pictures of the rapids course 🙁

Riversport Adventures is on the Oklahoma River and includes white water rafting, white water kayaking, paddle boards, canoes, a zip line, and something called the Sandridge Sky Trail (below).

The standard pass to white water raft is $49 per person (add $5 if you want a reserved time to raft) which includes everything except for the zip line.

You check in to the main building, e-sign waivers … essentially saying you won’t sue them and you have to help with your rescue if you fall in.  Let’s say … we fell in.

I won’t go into the gory details, but it was FUN and I’d probably do it again.  One of my party unfortunately skinned her elbows and knees when we fell in if that tells you how shallow it is.  Just remember to listen to the safety speech and your guides and you’ll be off in a flash.

If you’d like to see what the rafting looks like, click on the link below and it will take you to some videos on their site.

Riversport Adventures
800 Riversport Drive, Oklahoma City, OK  73129
(405) 552-4040
Saturday-Sunday 11:00AM-5:00PM
Closed Monday-Friday

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