In Ozark, MO there is a university called the College of the Ozarks. At this university is a wonderful dining center that is staffed by the students of Hard Work U. If you plan on being in the area, call them up, make reservations and head on over for some of the most sumptuous food you are going to have.

The students at the College of the Ozarks work for the college during the time they are there. This allows them to walk out with a degree and no debt! In the case that they need additional funds to cover their dorms, they can opt to work during their breaks. They are from all over the world … in fact, our server’s assistant was from South Korea!
This is a buffet that includes an omelette station, pasta station, waffle station, carving station, breakfast and lunch food, a dessert table, and access to their ice cream stand.
On the Sunday that we were there, the carving station had Ham (raised, smoked & served @ College of the Ozarks!), Hand Carved Bacon, and Hand Carved LAMB bacon. Oh so YUMMY!

Oh, you want to see some of the actual food?

I was very tickled when the coffee came that morning … they really look at the details. Check out the bottle that the cream is delivered in.
For dessert of course we chose to get some of their wonderful ice cream!
The Keeter Center comes highly recommended. They are $$$, but I feel well worth it. No matter what time of the year you visit, the staff and facility is beautiful.
The Keeter Center
1 Opportunity Point
Point Lookout, MO 65726
(417) 239-1900